If you want a mod, a plugin or a modpack to be added to the Aternos mod/plugin list, you can suggest it here.
To submit your suggestion, enter the URL of the mod/plugin/modpack and click the Suggest button. If the requirements are met, we will manually review your suggestion. This process might take a few days.
Suggestions have to meet certain requirements to be considered for Aternos.
Supported websites
Only mods/plugins that are hosted on a supported website can be added to Aternos. Supported websites currently are:
Supported websites for modpacks are:
Suggestions should have reasonable popularity before they are added to Aternos. If a suggestion was published only a few days ago or only has a few downloads, it won't be added. There's no specific required download count, it's a case by case decision that takes many different factors into account.
Suggestions should still be actively developed and receive updates regularly. If a suggestion has been discontinued or is only available for very outdated Minecraft versions, it won't be added.
Direct downloads
Suggestions must be downloadable directly from a supported website. If the suggestion links to an external downloads page, it can't be added to Aternos.
For example, if the download button for a plugin on spigotmc.org says "Download via external site", the plugin probably can't be added.
Some of the supported websites might offer paid mods/plugins. Only mods/plugins that are available for free can be added to Aternos.
Server files
Modpacks need to provide server files for their pack. These files are required to allow us to run the modpack. Server files must be distributed using the supported platform.
On CurseForge server files look like this on the files page:
On Technicpack they look like this:
Modpacks on ATLauncher and Modrinth always include server files.
Detailed description
Suggestions need to have a detailed English description to be accepted. This can't be replaced by a YouTube video.
Suggestion status
You can see all of your suggestions with their current status listed on the Suggest page.
A suggestion can have one of three different statuses:
The suggestion is waiting for manual review.
The suggestion was accepted and the mod/plugin is now available on Aternos.
The suggestion was denied.
Reasons for a suggestion being denied
If we deny a suggestion, we will always give a reason for our decision. If you are trying to suggest a plugin/mod/modpack that was already denied, no new suggestion will be created. Instead, you will be shown the reason for our previous decision.
The entered URL is invalid. Make sure that the URL works and that the suggestion is hosted on a supported website.
The suggestion is not popular enough. See requirements.
The suggestion is outdated or no longer receives updates. See requirements.
The suggestion is not compatible with Aternos. For example, if a plugin requires an additional port, has a huge negative performance impact, or changes the online player count of a server, it can't be added.
The suggestion can't be downloaded directly. See requirements.
The suggestion can't be downloaded for free. See requirements.
The mod/modpack author disabled project distribution for this project, which means that it can't be downloaded outside the CurseForge/Overwolf ecosystem. You can read more about it here.
The modpack author doesn't provide server files for their pack, or the server files are outdated. See requirements.