Since Aternos is completely financed through advertisements, we rely on our users to not use adblockers to be able to offer our service for free. Therefore, we detect adblock users and remind them, to disable their adblockers on our website.
If you are from Russia, your ability to load ads might be blocked due to sanctions or other related blocks by your ISP. This results in the correct detection as an adblocker. We can not and will not change that.
If you are not using an adblocker and still see this message, something else on your computer or your network is preventing us from showing ads:
Other browser add-ons
Add-ons that modify the content or network requests of websites might prevent us from showing ads. This could be tracking blockers, but also add-ons, that block our cookie consent window.
Known browser add-ons that can cause problems:
- DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
- Ghostery
- Privacy Badger
- Avast Online Security
- ...
Your browser settings
Some web browsers like Firefox, Edge and Opera have built-in content/tracking blockers. While these systems shouldn't cause any issues on their default settings, they might block our ads when set to strict.
Content blocking can be disabled on Aternos without changing the general settings of your browser.
Microsoft Edge
Antivirus software/Firewall
Sometimes, antivirus software and firewalls will also block ads/tracking scripts. Try to adjust your settings to enable us to show ads.
Your network
Your router or other devices in your home network might block ads and tracking scripts.